Thursday, 24 January 2013

End of Term

Wow, we found out on Monday what the most basic needs of students are: not self-actualization through education, not even the sense of belonging in classes and with friends. No, it is running water for the physiological need of thirst and the health safety need of cleanliness!
In English 9 we have been looking at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in relation to the survival of the characters in our novels.  English 8 will be looking at in in the literature circle unit next term.

There is only one week left of classes before the end of term. All junior students go to class as usual next week, but not on Friday, which is semester turn around day.  Please note the change of block order on Wednesday and Thursday.

Today students received their second semester timetables and were advised to photograph them or copy down the new information because the school cannot afford to print extra copies for those who have lost them.

English 9

Students are working on several wrap up projects for the literature circle unit: 

1. A poster and an essay which goes with it. We have the computers tomorrow afternoon to work on the final draft of the essay. Both essay and poster should be finished at home over the weekend.

2. A talk show style performance in a group.  Students have formed groups, chosen roles to play and started to write their scripts. They will finish up and rehearse Tuesday and perform Wednesday.

English 8

Students are revising their memoirs. This week, adding sensory detail and precise vocabulary.  The package of drafts including the final draft is due next week.

French 9

We continue to wrap up the food unit is preparation for the unit test in early February with Madame Keller. I have enjoyed teaching these students and know they are very lucky to have such a great French teacher as Madame Keller for the second half of the year.

Drama 9

Our first performance of Jack in the Beanstalk was today for the Cougar Crossing Class and it was fantastic.  If you can make it Monday morning at 9:20 we will be doing a final performance for four classes of primary students from Gibsons Elementary at that time and hope you can make it.  The students are very entertaining.

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